Training of Trainers (TOT):
It is a program that aims to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to become effective trainers in their fields.
Courses Objectives:
Enable trainers to develop effective teaching and coaching skills.
Enhance their ability to design and deliver excellent training programs.
Develop communication skills with trainees to enhance understanding and comprehension.
Learn how to deal with difficult situations and different trainees.
Improve the quality of training delivered and increase trainee satisfaction.
Enable trainers to deliver advanced training programs that meet the needs of the market.
Enhance trainers' skills in interacting with trainees and managing training sessions effectively.
THE Axes:
Unit1:Introduction to Training:
Understanding the concept of training and its objectives.
The importance of training in developing competencies and skills.
Roles and responsibilities of the trainer.
Identify the basic roles of a trainer.
The responsibilities associated with each role.
Unit2:Analyze training needs:
How to gather information about trainees' needs.
Needs analysis tools such as questionnaires and interviews.
Defining training objectives.
Formulating smart goals.
Identifying desired training outcomes.
Improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
Use body language appropriately.
Unit4:Managing the different styles of trainees:
Recognizing the different styles of trainees and how to deal with them.
Strategies to motivate and encourage trainees.
Unit5:Online Training:
Online Training Technologies.
Managing remote training sessions effectively.
Target group:
All employees at all organizational levels.